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Text Storage and Retrieval/Hypertext

Power!Search Full Text Retrieval w/ Fuzzy Search

Horizons Technology, Inc.

Power!Search Full Text Retrieval with Fuzzy Search Capability lets usersmake complete searches despite missing, added, or out-of-positioncharacters, regardless of whether the data is in a structured database orin unstructured files. Power!Search also compensates for mistakes in dataentry such as misspellings, transpositions, or scanning errors.Power!Search can retrieve data with no pre-processing. No indexing orimporting is required. Other search tools currently on the market requireindexing, which delays the search process and reduces productivity.Power!Search also conducts true "phrase searches," not key-word searches.

Language: Pascal, Assembly
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Horizons Technology, Inc.
3990 Ruffin Rd
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (619) 292-8331
Fax: (619) 292-7321